Monday, April 11, 2011

New Ascension Symptoms For Early 2011


Could it be like someone who is "coming to" after being knocked out?

Could it be like someone who is "coming out of" anesthesia?

Could it be like someone who is "coming back" after being in a coma?

Could it be like someone who is "getting born"?

What is meant by the above is:

Would there be vague, fluid, surroundings?

Would there be sound distortion?

Would there be odd light and unexpected bright light?

Would it seem to a person that they can't distinguish objects, can't tell what's what?

Would it seem to a person that voices are speaking clearly, but what the voices are saying just isn't understandable?

Would there be a sense of non-linearity or things happening out of sequence?

If you've experienced any of these you may be on to the next phase. And you are being welcomed back!



Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Coming Together?

Have you noticed things coming together? Different points of view and different perspectives? Different questions and answers?

At the same time, are some things blending and some things separating and some things remaining the same?

Yes! And it can be a challenge trying to sort through this information.

It's early 2011. Hang on. Find out what's around the very next bend. There are clues there. Just like there are clues right in front of us, if we choose to see.

